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Wallets and Keys

To make changes on a network, you will need to start sending transactions to it. This in tern involves managing private keys and addresses. Luckily, CosmPy makes this relatively straightforward.

The following code outlines how to both generate a completely new private key and how to recover a previously generated one:

from cosmpy.aerial.wallet import LocalWallet
from cosmpy.crypto.keypairs import PrivateKey

# To create a random private key:
private_key = PrivateKey()

# To recover an existing private key:
private_key = PrivateKey('<base64 encoded private key>')

The PrivateKey object is one of CosmPy's low level primitives. This is why it is generally paired with a Wallet object in most scenarios. Below, a LocalWallet (a kind of Wallet) is created using the private key:

wallet = LocalWallet(private_key)

Creating the wallet allows users to query useful information such as the address from the wallet directly.

print(wallet.address()) # will print the address for the wallet
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