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ACN Internals

The aim of this document is to describe at a high-level the main implementation of the Agent Communication Network (ACN).

In particular:

It is assumed the reader already knows what is the ACN and its purposes; if not, we suggest reading this page.

This documentation page is structured as follows:

  • Firstly, the ACN protocol is described: all the messages and data structures involved, as well as some example of interaction protocol with these messages;
  • Then, it is explained how a peer can join an existing ACN network, and the message exchange involved;
  • It follows the description of the journey of an envelope in the ACN network: from the agent connection to its contact peer, between ACN peers, and then from the contact peer of the destination agent to the target agent;
  • The following section describes the functionalities of the AEA connections that allow to communicate through the ACN: fetchai/p2p_libp2p and fetchia/p2p_libp2p_delegate;
  • The documentation ends with a section of known issues and limitations of the current implementation.

Messages and Data Structures

At the foundation of the ACN there is the ACN protocol. The protocol messages and the reply structure are generated from this protocol specification, using the protocol generator. Therefore, it uses Protocol Buffers as a serialization format, and the definition of the data structures involved is defined in this .proto file.

To know more about the protocol generator, refer to the relevant section of the documentation: Protocol Generator.

Agent Record

An agent record is a data structure containing information about an agent and its Proof-of-Representation (PoR) to be used by a peer for other peers. This data structure is used as a payload in other ACN messages (see below).

The AgentRecord data structure contains the following fields:

  • service_id: a string describing the service identifier.
  • ledger_id: a string. It is the identifier of the ledger this agent record is associated to. Currently, the allowed values are:
    • fetchai, the identifier for the Fetch.AI ledger;
    • ethereum, the identifier for the Ethereum ledger;
    • cosmos, the identifier for the Cosmos ledger;
  • address: a string. It is the public key of a public-private key pair. It is used as an identifier for routing purposes.
  • public_key: a string. The representative's public key. Used in case of (PoR).
  • peer_public_key: a string. The public key of the peer.
  • signature: a string. The signature for PoR.
  • not_before: a string. Specify the lower bound for certificate validity. If it is a string, it must follow the format: YYYY-MM-DD. It will be interpreted as time zone UTC-0
  • not_after: a string. Specify the upper bound for certificate validity. If it is a string, it must follow the format: YYYY-MM-DD. It will be interpreted as time zone UTC-0.

ACN Message

Entities in the ACN (i.e. either agents or peers) exchange ACN messages. An ACN message contains a payload field, which is the actual content of the message.

There are different types of payloads:

  • Status
  • Register
  • LookupRequest
  • LookupResponse
  • AeaEnvelope


The Status payload is used as a response message to inform the sender about the handling of certain requests. The payload contains:

  • the status_code, a positive integer among the ones in the Protobuf file.
  • a list of error messages (string).

A status code 0, identified as SUCCESS, means that the request has been processed successfully. Status codes greater than 0 can be:

  • Generic errors: errors that occur under generic circumstances.

    • ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, with integer value 1: the receiver of the message does not support the protocol version of the sender;
    • ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD, with integer value 2: the payload could not be deserialised on the receiver side;
    • ERROR_GENERIC, with integer value 3: an internal error;
    • ERROR_SERIALIZATION, with integer value 4: a serialization error occurred on the receiving end;
  • Register errors: errors that occur during agent registration operations in the ACN.

    • ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS, with integer value 10: the PoR by a peer from another peer does not match the destination address of the envelope to be routed by the receiving peer.
    • ERROR_WRONG_PUBLIC_KEY, with integer value 11: the representative peer public key does not match the one in the agent record;
    • ERROR_INVALID_PROOF, with integer value 12: the signature is invalid;
    • ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LEDGER, with integer value 13: the ledger of the PoR is not supported by the peer;
  • Lookup and delivery errors: errors that occur during lookup to the DHT and envelope delivery operations in the ACN.

    • ERROR_UNKNOWN_AGENT_ADDRESS, with integer value 20: the requested agent address has not been found in the local DHT of the peer;
    • ERROR_AGENT_NOT_READY, with integer value 21: the agent is not ready for envelope delivery.


The Register payload is used to request a peer to register an agent among his known ones. The payload contains the field record, which is an instance of AgentRecord.


The LookupRequest payload is sent between peer to look-up addresses in the Distributed Hash Table (DHT). It contains the agent address (a string) that the sender needs to correctly route an envelope.


The LookupResponse payload is the response sent by a peer that received a LookupRequest. It contains the AgentRecord associated to the requested address.


The AeaEnvelope payload contains the envelope sent by an agent and to be delivered to another agent. It contains:

  • envelope: the envelope to be forwarded, in byte representation;
  • an AgentRecord (see above).

ACN Protocol Interactions

The ACN protocol specifies three different possible interactions:

  • the registration interaction
  • the look-up interaction
  • the routing interaction

"Registration" Interaction

The registration interaction is used by delegate agents or relayed peers to register themselves to another peer.

sequenceDiagram participant Agent/RelayedPeer participant Peer Agent/RelayedPeer->>Peer: Register(AgentRecord) alt success note over Peer: check PoR Peer->>Agent/RelayedPeer: Status(SUCCESS) else wrong agent address Peer->>Agent/RelayedPeer: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else wrong public key Peer->>Agent/RelayedPeer: Status(ERROR_WRONG_PUBLIC_KEY) else invalid proof of representation Peer->>Agent/RelayedPeer: Status(ERROR_INVALID_PROOF) else unsupported ledger Peer->>Agent/RelayedPeer: Status(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LEDGER) end

"Look-up" Interaction

The look-up interaction is used by a peer to request information to another peer about an agent address.

sequenceDiagram participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Peer1->>Peer2: LookupRequest(address) alt success Peer2->>Peer1: LookupResponse(AgentRecord) else unknown agent address Peer2->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_UNKNOWN_AGENT_ADDRESS) end

"Routing" Interaction

The routing interaction is used by agents and peers to route the envelope through the ACN.

sequenceDiagram participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Peer1->>Peer2: AeaEnvelope(envelope, AgentRecord) alt success note over Peer2: check PoR Peer2->>Peer1: Status(SUCCESS) else error on decoding of Envelope payload Peer2->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else PoR errors note over Peer1,Peer2: see above end

Joining the ACN network

When an ACN peer wants to join the network, it has to start from a list of bootstrap peers, i.e. a list of ACN peers to connect with (at least one).

Each node handles four different types of libp2p streams:

  • the notification stream, identified by the URI /aea-notif/: this stream is used by new peers to notify their existence to
  • the address stream, identified by the URI /aea-address/: used to send look-up requests and look-up responses;
  • the envelope stream, identified by the URI /aea/: used to forward and to receive ACN envelopes;
  • the register relay stream, identified by the URI /aea-register/: this is to receive messages from clients that want to register their agents addresses; this peer, and then it can register their addresses.

To begin with, the node process initializes the transport connections with the bootstrap peers, the local copy of the Kademlia Distributed Hash Table (DHT), the persistent storage for agent records, and performs other non-functional operations like setting up the Prometheus monitoring system. Optionally, can also start listening for relay connections and delegate connections.

Then, it sets up the notification stream and notifies the bootstrap peers (if any).

sequenceDiagram participant Peer1 participant Peer2 participant Peer3 note over Peer1: notify
bootstrap peers Peer1->>Peer2: notify Peer2->>Peer2: wait until notifying peer
added to DHT activate Peer2 Peer1->>Peer3: notify Peer3->>Peer3: wait until notifying peer
added to DHT activate Peer3 note over Peer2,Peer3: Peer1 registered to DHT deactivate Peer2 deactivate Peer3 loop for each local/relay/delegate address Peer1->>Peer1: compute CID from address Peer1->>Peer2: register address Peer1->>Peer3: register address end note over Peer1: set up:
- address stream
- envelope stream
- register relay stream

Relay connections

If the ACN node is configured to run the relay service, it sets up the register relay stream, waiting for registration requests.

The following diagram shows an example of the message exchanged during a registration request:

sequenceDiagram participant Agent participant Peer Agent->>Peer: Register alt decoding error of ACN message Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else wrong payload Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD) else PoR check fails alt wrong agent address Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else unsupported ledger Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LEDGER) else agent address and public key don't match Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else invalid proof Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_INVALID_PROOF) end else PoR check succeeds Peer->>Agent: Status(SUCCESS) note over Peer: announce agent address
to other peers end

Delegate connections

If the ACN node is configured to run the delegate service, it start listening from a TCP socket at a configurable URI.

To see a diagram of the message exchanged during a registration request read this section.

ACN transport

In the following sections, we describe the main three steps of the routing of an envelope through the ACN:

  • ACN entrance: when an envelope sent by an agent enters the peer-to-peer network via the peer the agent is connected to i.e. agent-to-peer communication;
  • ACN routing: when an envelope gets routed through the peer-to-peer network, i.e. peer-to-peer communication;
  • ACN exit: when an envelope gets delivered to the receiving agent through its representative peer, i.e. peer-to-agent communication.

ACN Envelope Entrance: Agent -> Peer

In this section, we will describe the interaction protocols between agents and peers for the messages sent by the agent to the ACN network; in particular, the communication from the contact peer of an agent to the agent.

The following diagram explains the exchange of messages on entering an envelope in the ACN.

In the case of direct connection, Agent is a Python process, whereas Peer is in a separate (Golang) process. The logic of the Python Agent client is implemented in the AEA connection fetchai/p2p_libp2p The communication between Agent and Peer is done through an OS pipe for Inter-Process Communication (IPC) between the AEA's process and the libp2p node process; then, the message gets enqueued to an output queue by an input coroutine. Finally, the envelope ends up in an output queue, which is processed by an output coroutine and routed to the next peer.

In the case of delegate connection, the message exchange is very similar; however, instead of using pipes, the communication is done through the network, i.e. TCP, with a peer which has the delegate service enabled. The logic of the Agent client connected with a delegate connection is implemented in the AEA connection fetchai/p2p_libp2p_client

sequenceDiagram participant Agent participant Peer loop until Status(success) received Agent->>Peer: AeaEnvelope Agent->>Agent: wait note left of Agent: Wait until
Status(success) alt successful case Peer->>Agent: Status(success) note over Agent: break loop else ack-timeout OR conn-error note left of Agent: continue: Try to
resend/reconnect else version not supported Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION) else error on decoding of ACN message Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else error on decoding of Envelope payload Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else the payload cannot be handled Peer->>Agent: Status(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD) end end note over Peer: route envelope
to next peer

ACN Envelope Routing

In this section, we describe the interaction between peers when it comes to envelope routing.

Assume an envelope arrives from an agent to peer Peer1, i.e. Peer1 is the first hop of the routing. Let Agent be the local agent directly connected to Peer1, Peer2 a direct peer of peer Peer1.

When the envelope is leaving Peer1, we may have different scenario:

1) In case of direct connection, and the field sender of the envelope is not the local agent address: the message is considered invalid, and it is dropped.

sequenceDiagram participant Agent participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Agent->>Peer1: AeaEnvelope alt envelope sender not registered locally note over Peer1: stop, log error end

2) the target of the envelope is the local agent connected to the peer: the envelope is routed to the local agent.

sequenceDiagram participant Agent participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Agent->>Peer1: AeaEnvelope alt target == peer1.my_agent note over Peer1: envelope destinated
to local agent,
not routing loop agent not ready note over Peer1: sleep for 100ms end Peer1->>Agent: AeaEnvelope Agent->>Peer1: Status(Success) end

3) the target is a delegate client. Send the envelope via TCP.

sequenceDiagram participant Delegate participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Delegate->>Peer1: AeaEnvelope alt destination is a delegate note over Peer1: send envelope
to delegate via TCP Peer1->>Delegate: AeaEnvelope Delegate->>Peer1: Status(Success) end

4) Otherwise, look up the local DHT. If an entry is found, use it; otherwise, send a look-up request to connected peers.

sequenceDiagram participant Agent participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Agent->>Peer1: AeaEnvelope alt address found in DHT note over Peer1: destination is a
relay client else lookup address in DHT note over Peer1: send lookup request
to all peers Peer1->>Peer2: LookupRequest alt generic error Peer2->>Peer1: Status(GENERIC_ERROR) else look-up response Peer2->>Peer1: LookupResponse note over Peer1: Check PoR else not found Peer2->>Peer1:Status(UNKNOWN_AGENT_ADDRESS) end end note over Peer1,Peer2: Now Peer1 knows the contact peer
is PeerX

In particular, when a peer receives a LookupRequest message, it does the following:

sequenceDiagram participant Peer1 participant Peer2 Peer1->>Peer2: LookupRequest alt error Peer2->>Peer1: Status(Error) else local agent/relay/delegate note over Peer2: requested address is
a local agent
requested address is
in my relay clients
requested address is
in my delegate clients Peer2->>Peer1: LookupResponse note over Peer1: Check PoR else not found locally note over Peer2: send lookup request
to other peers... alt found Peer2->>Peer1: LookupResponse note over Peer1: Check PoR else not found Peer2->>Peer1:Status(UNKNOWN_AGENT_ADDRESS) end end

Let Peer3 the contact peer of the recipient of the envelope. The following diagram shows how the contact peer of the envelope recipient handles the incoming envelope:

sequenceDiagram participant Peer1 participant Peer3 Peer1->>Peer3: AeaEnvelope alt decoding error of ACN message Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else unexpected payload Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD) else decoding error of envelope payload Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else PoR check fails alt wrong agent address Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else unsupported ledger Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LEDGER) else agent address and public key don't match Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else invalid proof Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_INVALID_PROOF) end else PoR check succeeds alt target is delegate, not ready Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_AGENT_NOT_READY) else exists delegate, ready note over Peer3: forward envelope via
delegate connection Peer3->>Peer1: Status(SUCCESS) else target is local agent, not ready Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_AGENT_NOT_READY) else target is local agent, ready note over Peer3: forward envelope via
direct connection Peer3->>Peer1: Status(SUCCESS) else agent does not exist Peer3->>Peer1: Status(ERROR_UNKNOWN_AGENT_ADDRESS) end end

ACN Envelope Exit: Peer -> Agent

The following diagram explains the exchange of messages on exiting an envelope in the ACN. That is, the communication from the contact peer of an agent to the agent.

The same message exchange is done both in the case of direct connection and delegate connection, similarly for what has been described for the envelope entrance (see above).

sequenceDiagram participant Agent participant Peer Peer->>Agent: AeaEnvelope alt successful case Agent->>Peer: Status(success) else ack-timeout OR conn-error note left of Peer: do nothing else error on decoding of ACN message Agent->>Peer: Status(GENERIC_ERROR) else error on decoding of Envelope payload Agent->>Peer: Status(GENERIC_ERROR) else wrong payload Agent->>Peer: Status(GENERIC_ERROR) end

Connect your AEA to the ACN

To connect the AEA to the ACN network, there are two AEA connections available:

  • the fetchai/p2p_libp2p, that implements a direct connection, and
  • the fetchai/p2p_libp2p_delegate connection, that implements the delegate connection.

For more information on the AEA connection package type, refer to this guide.

The fetchai/p2p_libp2p connection

The source code of the fetchai/p2p_libp2p connection
can be downloaded from the AEA Registry, or from the main AEA framework repository.

The package provides the connection class P2PLibp2pConnection, which implements the Connection interface and therefore can be used by the Multiplexer as any other connection.

  • The connect method of this connection spawns a new instance of the libp2p_node program (i.e. an ACN peer node) and connects to it through OS pipes. Then, it sets up the message receiving loop, which enqueues messages in the input queue to be read by read method calls, and the message sending loop, which dequeues messages from the output queue and forwards them to the Libp2p node. The loops are run concurrently in the Multiplexer thread, using the Python asynchronous programming library asyncio.
sequenceDiagram participant Libp2p Connection participant sending loop participant receiving loop participant Libp2p Node Libp2p Connection->>Libp2p Node: spawn process activate Libp2p Node Libp2p Connection->>sending loop: start recv loop sending loop->>sending loop: wait messages from output queue activate sending loop Libp2p Connection->>receiving loop: start send loop receiving loop->>receiving loop: wait messages from input queue activate receiving loop deactivate Libp2p Node deactivate sending loop deactivate receiving loop
  • The send method enqueues a message in the output queue. The message is then dequeued by the sending loop, and then sent to the Libp2p node.
sequenceDiagram participant Libp2p Connection participant sending loop participant Libp2p Node activate sending loop Libp2p Connection->>Libp2p Connection: enqueue message to output queue sending loop->>sending loop: dequeue message from output queue deactivate sending loop sending loop->>Libp2p Node: AeaEnvelope sending loop->>sending loop: wait for status activate sending loop alt success note over Libp2p Node: route envelope Libp2p Node->>sending loop: Status(SUCCESS) deactivate sending loop note over sending loop: OK else timed out note over sending loop: raise with error else acn message decoding error Libp2p Node->>sending loop: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else unexpected payload Libp2p Node->>sending loop: Status(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD) else envelope decoding error Libp2p Node->>sending loop: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) end
  • The receive method dequeues a message from the input queue. The queue is populated by the receiving loop, which receives messages from the Libp2p node.
sequenceDiagram participant Libp2p Connection participant receiving loop participant Libp2p Node activate receiving loop Libp2p Node->>receiving loop: AeaEnvelope deactivate receiving loop Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Node: wait for status activate Libp2p Node alt success note over receiving loop: enqueue envelope
to input queue receiving loop->>Libp2p Node: Status(SUCCESS) deactivate Libp2p Node note over receiving loop: OK else timed out note over Libp2p Node: ignore else acn message decoding error receiving loop->>Libp2p Node: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else unexpected payload receiving loop->>Libp2p Node: Status(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD) else envelope decoding error receiving loop->>Libp2p Node: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) end Libp2p Connection->>receiving loop: read message from output queue note over Libp2p Connection: return message
to Multiplexer
  • the disconnect method stops both the receiving loop and the sending loop, and stops the Libp2p node.

The fetchai/p2p_libp2p_delegate connection

The source code of the fetchai/p2p_libp2p_delegate connection
can be downloaded from the main AEA framework repository. or from the main AEA framework repository.

The package provides the connection class P2PLibp2pClientConnection, which implements the Connection interface and therefore can be used by the Multiplexer as any other connection.

  • The connect method of this connection will set up a TCP connection to the URI of the delegate peer. Then, it will send a Register request to register the agent among the peer's client connections. On registration success, it sets up the message receiving loop, which enqueues messages in the input queue to be read by read method calls, and the message sending loop, which dequeues messages from the output queue and forwards them to the Libp2p node. The loops are run concurrently in the Multiplexer thread, using the Python asynchronous programming library asyncio.
sequenceDiagram participant Libp2p Client Connection participant Libp2p Node activate Libp2p Node Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Node: listening for TCP connections Libp2p Client Connection->>Libp2p Node: Register (via TCP) deactivate Libp2p Node alt decoding error of ACN message Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(ERROR_SERIALIZATION) else wrong payload Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(ERROR_UNEXPECTED_PAYLOAD) else PoR check fails alt wrong agent address Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else unsupported ledger Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_LEDGER) else agent address and public key don't match Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(ERROR_WRONG_AGENT_ADDRESS) else invalid proof Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(ERROR_INVALID_PROOF) end else PoR check succeeds Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Client Connection: Status(SUCCESS) note over Libp2p Node: announce agent
address to
other peers Libp2p Node->>Libp2p Node: wait data from socket activate Libp2p Node deactivate Libp2p Node end
  • The send method and the receive methods behave similarly to the send and receive methods of the p2p_libp2p connection, in terms of message exchange; however, the communication is done via TCP rather than pipes.

  • The disconnect method interrupts the connection with the delegate peer, without explicitly unregistering.

Known issues and limitations

In this section, we provide a list of known issues and limitations of the current implementation of the ACN, considering both the ACN nodes (written in Golang) and the AEA connections, for the Python AEA framework, to interact with them.

Delegate client on client disconnection/reconnection

In case of disconnection/reconnection, delegate client record will be removed. This can cause two problems: either the delegate client is not found, or connection is closed during the send operation.

Possible solutions:

  • Create more complicated structure for clients storage;
  • Keep the delegate client record for longer;
  • Clean up the record by timeout, per client queues.

Code references:

Golang Node <> Python Client libp2p connection

In case of connection between the Golang side (i.e. ACN node) and the Python side (i.e. the libp2p AEA connection) is broken, there is no reconnection attempt. The Golang side connect to the Python server opened, but if the connection is broken Golang can try to reconnect; however, the Python side does not know about this and will restart the node completely.

Possible solutions: the problem requires updates on both sides and assume possible timeouts on broken connection. If connection is broken, the Python side awaits for reconnection from Golang side, and restart node completely after timeout.

What a peer should do if it receives an acknowledgement with an error?

If an ACN response is the Status with error code different from SUCCESS, the forwarding to other peers is not repeated.

A possible solution is to resend the message; however, not clear why it should help in case of healthy connection, how many times the sender should retry, and how it would help.

Discussion on GitHub:

No possibility of switching peers

In case of a peer becoming unavailable, a delegate client or relay client currently has no means to automatically switch the peer. In particular, the DHT should be updated when a client switches peers.

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