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This module contains the classes required for state_update dialogue management.

  • StateUpdateDialogue: The dialogue class maintains state of a dialogue and manages it.
  • StateUpdateDialogues: The dialogues class keeps track of all dialogues.

StateUpdateDialogue Objects

class StateUpdateDialogue(Dialogue)

The state_update dialogue class maintains state of a dialogue and manages it.

Role Objects

class Role(Dialogue.Role)

This class defines the agent's role in a state_update dialogue.

EndState Objects

class EndState(Dialogue.EndState)

This class defines the end states of a state_update dialogue.


 | __init__(dialogue_label: DialogueLabel, self_address: Address, role: Dialogue.Role, message_class: Type[StateUpdateMessage] = StateUpdateMessage) -> None

Initialize a dialogue.


  • dialogue_label: the identifier of the dialogue
  • self_address: the address of the entity for whom this dialogue is maintained
  • role: the role of the agent this dialogue is maintained for
  • message_class: the message class used

StateUpdateDialogues Objects

class StateUpdateDialogues(Dialogues,  ABC)

This class keeps track of all state_update dialogues.


 | __init__(self_address: Address, role_from_first_message: Callable[[Message, Address], Dialogue.Role], dialogue_class: Type[StateUpdateDialogue] = StateUpdateDialogue) -> None

Initialize dialogues.


  • self_address: the address of the entity for whom dialogues are maintained
  • dialogue_class: the dialogue class used
  • role_from_first_message: the callable determining role from first message
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