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The Query Language

We recommend reading Defining a Data Model before reading this section.

Along with the Data Model language, the AEA framework offers the possibility to specify queries defined over data models.

The module implements the API that allows you to build queries.

In one sentence, a Query is a set of constraints, defined over a data model. The outcome is a set of description (that is, instances of Description) matching with the query. That is, all the description whose attributes satisfy the constraints in the query.

In the next sections, we describe how to build queries.


A Constraint is associated with an attribute name and imposes restrictions on the domain of that attribute. That is, it imposes some limitations on the values the attribute can assume.

We have different types of constraints:

  • relation constraints:

  • the author of the book must be Stephen King

  • the publication year must be greater than 1990

  • set constraints:

  • the genre must fall into the following set of genres: Horror, Science fiction, Non-fiction.

  • range constraints:

  • the average rating must be between 3.5 and 4.5

  • distance constraints:

  • the nearest bookshop must be within a distance from a given location.

The class that implements the constraint concept is Constraint In the following, we show how to define them.


There are several ConstraintTypes that allows you to impose specific values for the attributes.

The types of relation constraints are:

  • Equal: ==
  • Not Equal: !=
  • Less than: <
  • Less than or Equal: <=
  • Greater than: >
  • Greater than or Equal: >=

Examples: using the attributes we used before:

from import Constraint, ConstraintType

# all the books whose author is Stephen King
Constraint("author", ConstraintType("==", "Stephen King"))

# all the books that are not of the genre Horror
Constraint("genre", ConstraintType("!=", "Horror"))

# all the books published before 1990
Constraint("year", ConstraintType("<", 1990))

# the same of before, but including 1990
Constraint("year", ConstraintType("<=", 1990))

# all the books with rating greater than 4.0
Constraint("average_rating", ConstraintType(">", 4.0))

# all the books published after 2000, included
Constraint("year", ConstraintType(">=", 2000))


The set is a constraint type that allows you to restrict the values of the attribute in a specific set.

There are two kind of set constraints:

  • In (a set of values): in
  • Not in (a set of values): not_in


from import Constraint, ConstraintType

# all the books whose genre is one of `Horror`, `Science fiction`, `Non-fiction`
Constraint("genre", ConstraintType("in", ("horror", "science fiction", "non-fiction")))

# all the books that have not been published neither in 1990, nor in 1995, nor in 2000
Constraint("year", ConstraintType("not_in", (1990, 1995, 2000)))


The range is a constraint type that allows you to restrict the values of the attribute in a given range.


from import Constraint, ConstraintType

# all the books whose title is between 'A' and 'B' (alphanumeric order)
Constraint("title", ConstraintType("within", ("A", "B")))

# all the books that have been published between 1960 and 1970
Constraint("genre", ConstraintType("within", (1960, 1970)))


The distance is a constraint type that allows you to put a limit on a Location attribute type. More specifically, you can set a maximum distance from a given location (the centre), such that will be considered only the instances whose location attribute value is within a distance from the centre.


from import Constraint, ConstraintType, Description, Location

# define a location of interest, e.g. the Tour Eiffel
tour_eiffel = Location(48.8581064, 2.29447)

# find all the locations close to the Tour Eiffel within 1 km
close_to_tour_eiffel = Constraint("position", ConstraintType("distance", (tour_eiffel, 1.0)))

# Le Jules Verne, a famous restaurant close to the Tour Eiffel, satisfies the constraint.
le_jules_verne_restaurant = Location(48.8579675, 2.2951849)
close_to_tour_eiffel.check(Description({"position": le_jules_verne_restaurant}))  # gives `True`

# The Colosseum does not satisfy the constraint (farther than 1 km from the Tour Eiffel).
colosseum = Location(41.8902102, 12.4922309)
close_to_tour_eiffel.check(Description({"position": colosseum}))  # gives `False`

Constraint Expressions

The constraints above mentioned can be combined with the common logical operators (i.e. and, or and not), yielding more complex expression.

In particular we can specify any conjunction/disjunction/negations of the previous constraints or composite ConstraintExpressions, e.g.:

  • books that belong to Horror and has been published after 2000, but not published by Stephen King.
  • books whose author is either J. K. Rowling or J. R. R. Tolkien

The classes that implement these operators are Not, And and Or.


The Not is a constraint expression that allows you to specify a negation of a constraint expression. The Not constraint is satisfied whenever its subexpression is not satisfied.


from import Constraint, ConstraintType, Not

# all the books whose year of publication is not between 1990 and 2000
Not(Constraint("year", ConstraintType("within", (1990, 2000))))


The And is a constraint type that allows you to specify a conjunction of constraints over an attribute. That is, the And constraint is satisfied whenever all the subexpressions that constitute the and are satisfied.

Notice: the number of subexpressions must be at least 2.


from import Constraint, ConstraintType, And

# all the books whose title is between 'I' and 'J' (alphanumeric order) but not equal to 'It'
And([Constraint("title", ConstraintType("within", ("I", "J"))), Constraint("title", ConstraintType("!=", "It"))])


The class Or is a constraint type that allows you to specify a disjunction of constraints. That is, the Or constraint is satisfied whenever at least one of the constraints that constitute the or is satisfied.

Notice: the number of subexpressions must be at least 2.


from import Constraint, ConstraintType, Or

# all the books that have been published either before the year 1960 or after the year 1970
Or([Constraint("year", ConstraintType("<", 1960)), Constraint("year", ConstraintType(">", 1970))])


A query is simply a list of constraint expressions, interpreted as a conjunction (that is, a matching description with the query must satisfy every constraint expression.)


from import Query, Constraint, ConstraintType

# query all the books written by Stephen King published after 1990, and available as an e-book:
    Constraint("author", ConstraintType("==", "Stephen King")),
    Constraint("year", ConstraintType(">=", 1990)),
    Constraint("ebook_available", ConstraintType("==", True))
], book_model)

Where book_model is the DataModel object. However, the data model is an optional parameter, but to avoid ambiguity is recommended to include it.

The check method

The Query class supports a way to check whether a Description matches with the query. This method is called Query.check.


from import Query, Constraint, ConstraintType
from import Description

q = Query([
    Constraint("author", ConstraintType("==", "Stephen King")),
    Constraint("year", ConstraintType(">=", 1990)),
    Constraint("ebook_available", ConstraintType("==", True))

# With a query, you can check that a `Description` object satisfies the constraints.
q.check(Description({"author": "Stephen King", "year": 1991, "ebook_available": True}))  # True
q.check(Description({"author": "George Orwell", "year": 1948, "ebook_available": False})) # False


A Query object must satisfy some conditions in order to be instantiated.

  • The list of constraints expressions can't be empty; must have at least one constraint expression.
  • If the data model is specified:

    • For every constraint expression that constitute the query, check if they are valid with respect to the data model.

A ConstraintExpr c (that is, one of And, Or, Not, Constraint) is valid with respect to a DataModel if:

  • If c is an instance of And, Or or Not, then every subexpression of c must be valid (with respect to to the data model);
  • If c is an instance of Constraint, then:

    • if the constraint type is one of <, <=, >, >=, the value in the constructor must be one of str, int or float.
    • if the constraint type is a within, then the types in the range must be one of int, str, float or Location.
    • if the constraint type is a distance, then the only valid type is Location.
    • if the constraint type is a in, then the types supported are str, int, float, bool, Location. Notice though that a set of bool is trivial, so you may find yourself more comfortable by using other alternatives.
    • for the other constraint types, i.e. == and !=, the value can be one of the allowed types for Attribute, that is str, int, float, bool, Location.
  • Moreover, when c is a Constraint, the attribute must have a consistent type with respect to the data model. E.g. consider a Constraint like:

Constraint("foo", ConstraintType("==", True))

Consider a DataModel where there is an Attribute "foo" of type str. Then the constraint is not compatible with the mentioned data model, because the constraint expect an equality comparison with a boolean True, instead of a str.

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