Using collective learning
This tutorial is a simple guide to trying out the collective learning protocol with your own machine learning code. Everything runs locally.
The most flexible way to use the collective learning backends is to make a class that implements
the Collective Learning MachineLearningInterface
defined in
This tutorial will walk through implementing the MachineLearningInterface
If you're already using keras or pytorch you might find it easier to use the KerasLearner
or Pytorchlearner
See the other tutorials for details of how to do that.
The MachineLearningInterface
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright 2021 Fetch.AI Limited
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# License, Version 4.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
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import abc
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any, Optional
import onnx
import onnxmltools
import sklearn
import tensorflow as tf
import torch
from pydantic import BaseModel
from tensorflow import keras
model_classes_keras = (tf.keras.Model, keras.Model, tf.estimator.Estimator)
model_classes_scipy = (torch.nn.Module)
model_classes_sklearn = (sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin)
def convert_model_to_onnx(model: Any):
Helper function to convert a ML model to onnx format
if isinstance(model, model_classes_keras):
return onnxmltools.convert_keras(model)
if isinstance(model, model_classes_sklearn):
return onnxmltools.convert_sklearn(model)
if 'xgboost' in model.__repr__():
return onnxmltools.convert_sklearn(model)
if isinstance(model, model_classes_scipy):
raise Exception("Pytorch models not yet supported to onnx")
raise Exception("Attempt to convert unsupported model to onnx: {model}")
class DiffPrivBudget(BaseModel):
target_epsilon: float
target_delta: float
consumed_epsilon: float
consumed_delta: float
class ErrorCodes(Enum):
class TrainingSummary(BaseModel):
dp_budget: Optional[DiffPrivBudget]
error_code: Optional[ErrorCodes]
class Weights(BaseModel):
weights: Any
training_summary: Optional[TrainingSummary]
class DiffPrivConfig(BaseModel):
target_epsilon: float
target_delta: float
max_grad_norm: float
noise_multiplier: float
class ProposedWeights(BaseModel):
weights: Weights
vote_score: float
test_score: float
vote: Optional[bool]
class ModelFormat(Enum):
ONNX = 2
class ColearnModel(BaseModel):
model_format: ModelFormat
model_file: Optional[str]
model: Optional[Any]
def deser_model(model: Any) -> onnx.ModelProto:
Helper function to recover a onnx model from its deserialized form
return onnx.load_model_from_string(model)
class MachineLearningInterface(abc.ABC):
def mli_propose_weights(self) -> Weights:
Trains the model. Returns new weights. Does not change the current weights of the model.
def mli_test_weights(self, weights: Weights) -> ProposedWeights:
Tests the proposed weights and fills in the rest of the fields
def mli_accept_weights(self, weights: Weights):
Updates the model with the proposed set of weights
:param weights: The new weights
def mli_get_current_weights(self) -> Weights:
Returns the current weights of the model
def mli_get_current_model(self) -> ColearnModel:
Returns the current model
causes the model to do some training and then return a new set of weights that are proposed to the other learners. This method shouldn't charge the current weights of the model - that only happens whenaccept_weights
is called.test_weights
- the models takes some new weights and returns a vote on whether the new weights are an improvement. As in propose_weights, this shouldn't change the current weights of the model - that only happens whenaccept_weights
is called.accept_weights
- the model accepts some weights that have been voted on and approved by the set of learners. The old weighs of the model are discarded and replaced by the new weights.current_weights
should return the current weights of the model.
Algorithms that work with colearn:
These conditions need to be fulfilled for algorithms to work with collective learning:
Model fitting must be incremental so that the previous model is used as the starting point for training. This is easy to achieve for neural networks because neural network training is always iterative, but for other learning algorithms more care must be taken. Some examples of getting this wrong:
None of the training methods here use the previous result when fit is called for a second time; instead they start again from scratch. Good examples of incremental training can be seen in the examples. Many sklearn models have afrom sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10) # it would be okay with warm_start=True, y)
parameter which can be set toTrue
to use the previous training result. XGBoost has anxgb_model
parameter for passing in the previous training results. -
The model mustn't overfit when propose_weights() is called. You should limit training so that a learner will not overfit their training data in one round. For example, if a learner overfits their own training data then the other learners will reject the proposed update because it is not a good fit for their data. For a neural network a good approach is to restrict the number of batches that are used each round; for random forest, restrict the trees that are added each round.
Implementation for fraud detection task
Here is the class that implements the MachineLearningInterface
for the task of detecting fraud in bank transactions.
class FraudSklearnLearner(MachineLearningInterface):
def __init__(self, train_data, train_labels, test_data, test_labels,
batch_size: int = 10000,
steps_per_round: int = 1):
self.steps_per_round = steps_per_round
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.train_data = train_data
self.train_labels = train_labels
self.test_data = test_data
self.test_labels = test_labels
self.class_labels = np.unique(train_labels)
self.train_sampler = infinite_batch_sampler(train_data.shape[0], batch_size)
self.model = SGDClassifier(max_iter=1, verbose=0, loss="modified_huber")
self.model.partial_fit(self.train_data[0:1], self.train_labels[0:1],
classes=self.class_labels) # this needs to be called before predict
self.vote_score = self.test(self.train_data, self.train_labels)
def mli_propose_weights(self) -> Weights:
current_weights = self.mli_get_current_weights()
for i in range(self.steps_per_round):
batch_indices = next(self.train_sampler)
train_data = self.train_data[batch_indices]
train_labels = self.train_labels[batch_indices]
self.model.partial_fit(train_data, train_labels, classes=self.class_labels)
new_weights = self.mli_get_current_weights()
return new_weights
def mli_test_weights(self, weights: Weights) -> ProposedWeights:
current_weights = self.mli_get_current_weights()
vote_score = self.test(self.train_data, self.train_labels)
test_score = self.test(self.test_data, self.test_labels)
vote = self.vote_score <= vote_score
return ProposedWeights(weights=weights,
def mli_accept_weights(self, weights: Weights):
self.vote_score = self.test(self.train_data, self.train_labels)
def mli_get_current_weights(self):
# return Weights(weights=copy.deepcopy(self.model))
return Weights(weights=dict(coef_=self.model.coef_,
def set_weights(self, weights: Weights):
# self.model = weights.weights
self.model.coef_ = weights.weights['coef_']
self.model.intercept_ = weights.weights['intercept_']
def test(self, data, labels):
return self.model.score(data, labels)
except sklearn.exceptions.NotFittedError:
return 0
Let's step through this and see how it works. The propose_weights method saves the current weights of the model. Then it performs some training of the model, and gets the new weights. It returns the new weights, and resets the model weights to be the old weights.
def mli_propose_weights(self) -> Weights:
current_weights = self.mli_get_current_weights()
for i in range(self.steps_per_round):
batch_indices = next(self.train_sampler)
train_data = self.train_data[batch_indices]
train_labels = self.train_labels[batch_indices]
self.model.partial_fit(train_data, train_labels, classes=self.class_labels)
new_weights = self.mli_get_current_weights()
return new_weights
The test_weights method takes as a parameter the proposed weights that it needs to vote on. It saves the current weights of the model, and then sets the model weights to be the proposed weights. It tests the model and votes based on whether the score that it is monitoring has improved. The vote score can be any metric that you like. You could use loss, accuracy, mean squared error or any custom metric. If the vote score is the loss then the model would only vote True if the score has decreased. Here we're using accuracy, so the vote is true if the score increases. This method then resets the weights to the old values and returns the vote along with some scores for monitoring purposes.
def mli_test_weights(self, weights: Weights) -> ProposedWeights:
current_weights = self.mli_get_current_weights()
vote_score = self.test(self.train_data, self.train_labels)
test_score = self.test(self.test_data, self.test_labels)
vote = self.vote_score <= vote_score
return ProposedWeights(weights=weights,
You could implement a cache here. These weights will already have been tested in test_weights, so the vote score could be retrieved from the cache instead of recomputed.
def mli_accept_weights(self, weights: Weights):
self.vote_score = self.test(self.train_data, self.train_labels)
The final method is the simplest - get_current_weights just returns the current weights of the model.
These weights are wrapped inside a Weights
def mli_get_current_weights(self):
return Weights(weights=dict(coef_=self.model.coef_,
The rest of the example
The data is loaded and preprocessed and then split into equal parts for each learner. Then a list of FraudLearner instances is created, each with its own dataset.
all_learner_models = []
for i in range(n_learners):
Then we give all the models the same weights to start off with:
And then we can move on to the final stage, which is training with Collective Learning.
The function collective_learning_round
performs one round of collective learning.
One learner is selected to train and propose an update.
The other learners vote on the update, and if the vote passes then the update is accepted.
Then a new round begins.
# Train the model using Collective Learning
results = Results()
for round in range(n_rounds):
vote_threshold, round)
plot_results(results, n_learners, block=False,
plot_votes(results, block=False)
plot_results(results, n_learners, block=False,
plot_votes(results, block=True)