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Building the Ledger


  • Go 1.17+ (installation instructions available here)
  • Packages: make, gcc (on Ubuntu, install them with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y make gcc)

Building the code

Download the latest released version from github and build the project using the following commands:

git clone && cd fetchd

Then select the particular tag version you want to build, ie:

git checkout v0.8.7

Then build the code with the command:

make build

This will generate the ./build/fetchd binary.

For non-developer users we recommend that the user installs the binaries into their system. This can be done with the following command:

make install

This will install the binaries in the directory specified by your $GOBIN environment variable (default to ~/go/bin).

which fetchd

This should return a path such as ~/go/bin/fetchd (might be different depending on your actual go installation).

If you get no output, or an error such as which: no fetchd in ..., possible cause can either be that make install failed with some errors or that your go binary folder (default: ~/go/bin) is not in your PATH.

To add the ~/go/bin folder to your PATH, add this line at the end of your ~/.bashrc:

export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin

and reload it with:

source ~/.bashrc

You can also verify that you are running the correct version

fetchd version

This should print a version number that must be compatible with the network you're connecting to (see the network page for the list of supported versions per network).


  • Error: failed to parse log level (main:info,state:info,:error): Unknown Level String: 'main:info,state:info,:error', defaulting to NoLevel

This means you had a pre-stargate version of fetchd (<= v0.7.x), and just installed a stargate version (>= v0.8.x), you'll need to remove the previous configuration files with:

rm ~/.fetchd/config/app.toml ~/.fetchd/config/config.toml
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