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CLI - Delegator guide

Querying the state

Querying the current staking holdings of the validators

The following command can be used to retrieve the current staking holdings of all validators:

fetchd query staking validators

On capricorn network, this will produce an output similar to the following, describing the status of all the existing validators:

- |
  operatoraddress: fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w
  conspubkey: fetchvalconspub1zcjduepq3urw6c6u0zvqmde4vr4gmy56nnq57shdhg56jynpu8n3s74hrm0q0mzqrx
  jailed: false
  status: 2
  tokens: "1000000000000000000000"
  delegatorshares: "1000000000000000000000.000000000000000000"
    moniker: validator5
    identity: ""
    website: ""
    security_contact: ""
    details: ""
  unbondingheight: 0
  unbondingcompletiontime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
      rate: "0.050000000000000000"
      max_rate: "0.100000000000000000"
      max_change_rate: "0.010000000000000000"
    update_time: 2021-02-12T12:41:25.579730119Z
  minselfdelegation: "1000000000000000000000"
  producingblocks: true
- |
  operatoraddress: fetchvaloper1ysc8n5uspv4698nyk8u75lx98uu92zt7m3udw8
  conspubkey: fetchvalconspub1zcjduepqmxr8gmcs6pwuxpsma264ax59wxtxd3vchrcv2c06deq9986kwt3s0wsk6n
  jailed: false
  status: 2
  tokens: "1000000000000000000000"
  delegatorshares: "1000000000000000000000.000000000000000000"
    moniker: validator2
    identity: ""
    website: ""
    security_contact: ""
    details: ""
  unbondingheight: 0
  unbondingcompletiontime: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
      rate: "0.050000000000000000"
      max_rate: "0.100000000000000000"
      max_change_rate: "0.010000000000000000"
    update_time: 2021-02-03T13:00:00Z
  minselfdelegation: "1000000000000000000000"
  producingblocks: true

To obtain the same information for a single validator, use the following command, providing the operatoraddress of the validator.

fetchd query staking validator fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w

A delegator will be particularly interested in the following keys:

  • commission/commission_rates/rate: The commission rate on revenue charged to any delegator by the validator.
  • commission/commission_rates/max_change_rate: The maximum daily increase of the validator's commission. This parameter cannot be changed by the validator operator.
  • commission/commission_rates/max_rate: The maximum commission rate this validator can charge. This parameter cannot be changed by the validator operator.
  • minselfdelegation: Minimum amount of atestfet the validator need to have bonded at all time. If the validator's self-bonded stake falls below this limit, their entire staking pool (i.e. all its delegators) will unbond. This parameter exists as a safeguard for delegators. Indeed, when a validator misbehaves, part of their total stake gets slashed. This includes the validator's self-delegateds stake as well as their delegators' stake. Thus, a validator with a high amount of self-delegated atestfet has more skin-in-the-game than a validator with a low amount. The minimum self-bond amount parameter guarantees to delegators that a validator will never fall below a certain amount of self-bonded stake, thereby ensuring a minimum level of skin-in-the-game. This parameter can only be increased by the validator operator.

Query the delegations made to a validator

From a validator address, we can retrieve the list of delegations it received:

fetchd query staking delegations-to fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w

Here is a sample of delegations validator5 received on capricorn:

- delegation:
    delegator_address: fetch1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t9zzruef
    validator_address: fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w
    shares: "1000000000000000000000.000000000000000000"
    denom: atestfet
    amount: "1000000000000000000000"
- delegation:
    delegator_address: fetch15fn3meky8ktfry3qm73xkpjckzw4dazxpfx34m
    validator_address: fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w
    shares: "100000.000000000000000000"
    denom: atestfet
    amount: "100000"

Query the redelegations

Delegators can choose to redelegate the tokens they already delegated from one validator to another. Redelegation takes effect immediately, without any waiting period. However, the tokens can't be redelegated until the initial redelegation transaction has completed its 21 day completion time (the unlocking time is indicated by the redelegationentry/completion_time field in the outputs below).

To obtain the list of redelegations made from a validator, use the following command:

fetchd query staking redelegations-from fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w

This produces an output similar to the following, where delegator fetch15fn3meky8ktfry3qm73xkpjckzw4dazxpfx34m issued 2 redelegations from fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w to fetchvaloper122veneudkzyalay6gusvrhhpp0560mparpanvu:

fetchd query staking redelegations-from fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w
- redelegation:
    delegator_address: fetch15fn3meky8ktfry3qm73xkpjckzw4dazxpfx34m
    validator_src_address: fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w
    validator_dst_address: fetchvaloper122veneudkzyalay6gusvrhhpp0560mparpanvu
    entries: []
  - redelegationentry:
      creation_height: 291037
      completion_time: 2021-03-24T14:24:38.973444629Z
      initial_balance: "50000"
      shares_dst: "50000.000000000000000000"
    balance: "50000"
  - redelegationentry:
      creation_height: 291133
      completion_time: 2021-03-24T14:33:43.425472866Z
      initial_balance: "10000"
      shares_dst: "10000.000000000000000000"
    balance: "10000"

Similarly, the list of redelegations issued by a delegator can be obtained with the following:

fetchd query staking redelegations fetch15fn3meky8ktfry3qm73xkpjckzw4dazxpfx34m

Query the user rewards

After having delegated some tokens to a validator, the user is eligible to a share of the rewards the validator collects.

To retrieve all the outstanding rewards for an address, issue the following command:

fetchd query distribution rewards fetch15fn3meky8ktfry3qm73xkpjckzw4dazxpfx34m

This address having delegated tokens to 2 validators on capricorn, produces the following output:

- validator_address: fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w
  - denom: atestfet
    amount: "0.000000000000200000"
- validator_address: fetchvaloper1ysc8n5uspv4698nyk8u75lx98uu92zt7m3udw8
  - denom: atestfet
    amount: "0.000000000001000000"
- denom: atestfet
  amount: "0.000000000001200000"

Rewards can also be filtered for a given validator, like validator5 here:

fetchd query distribution rewards fetch15fn3meky8ktfry3qm73xkpjckzw4dazxpfx34m fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w

We now get only the reward from this validator:

- denom: atestfet
  amount: "0.000000000000200000"

Delegator operations

Delegating tokens

To delegate 1000000 atestfet tokens to the fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w validator from the account myKey, the following command can be used:

fetchd tx staking delegate fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w 1000000atestfet --from myKey

This will prompt for confirmation before issuing a transaction. After the transaction gets processed, it should appear under the delegations of the fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w validator.


Once delegated, tokens can only be redelegated to another validator, or unbond in order to be returned to their original account. It's important to note that those two operations take 21 days to complete, period in which the involved tokens will be unavailable.

Redelegating tokens

Redelegating tokens allows to transfer already delegated tokens from one validator to another.

From the above example where we delegated 1000000 atestfet to fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w, we can now redelegate parts or all of those tokens to another validator. For example, we redelegate 400000 atestfet from fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w to fetchvaloper122veneudkzyalay6gusvrhhpp0560mparpanvu with the following command:

fetchd tx staking redelegate fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w fetchvaloper122veneudkzyalay6gusvrhhpp0560mparpanvu 400000atestfet --from myKey

This will prompt for confirmation and issue a new transaction once accepted. From here, inspecting the delegations from our account, we'll see that our delegated tokens are now:

  • 600000atestfet to validator fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w (our initial 1000000 minus the 400000 redelegated)
  • 400000atestfet to validator fetchvaloper122veneudkzyalay6gusvrhhpp0560mparpanvu

Now those 400000 atestfet we redelegated can't be redelegated anymore for 21 days (the exact date can be found by querying the redelegation transaction, under the completion_time key). Note that it's still possible to unbond those tokens if needed.

Unbonding tokens

At any time, we can transfer parts or all of our delegated tokens back to our account:

fetchd tx staking unbond fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w 300000atestfet --from myKey

Once again, this will prompt for confirmation and issue a transaction, initiating the transfer of 300000 atestfet from our stake on fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w validator back to our account. Those tokens will then be available after a 21 day period (the exact date can be found by querying the redelegation transaction, under the completion_time key).

Withdrawing rewards

In order to transfer rewards to the wallet, the following command can be used:

fetchd tx distribution withdraw-rewards fetchvaloper1z72rph6l5j6ex83n4urputykawcqg6t98xul2w --from myKey

It requires the validator address from where the reward is withdrawn, and the name of the account private key having delegated tokens to the validator.

When having delegated tokens to multiple validators, all rewards can be claimed in a single command:

fetchd tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from myKey

The rewards then appears on the account as soon as the transaction is processed.

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